MQTT | Retrofitted OneWire Weather Station


I have had an AAG OneWire Weather Station lying around for ages. It has been collecting dust in the shed for seven to eight years until I had a ‘what can we hack today’ and remembered that I still had it.

Turns out a have a version 3 which uses a DS18S20 OneWire temperature sensor. A DS2423 OneWire counter for the wind speed and a DS2450 OneWire quad A/D converter for the wind direction. oww-schematicsAll three sensors are supported on an Arduino and it will compile in the Arduino IDE for ESP-8266.

Looking at the schematics it wasn’t hard to figure out how to hack the PCB to make it work without the serial to OneWire adapter.

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MQTT | OLED Controller (The Prototype)


Working on the prototype stage for the OLED MQTT controller I had to make some decisions. One of them was that the MP121 capacitive touch sensor wasn’t going to cut it.

I just wasn’t convinced that it would be able to work reliable through a few mm’s of plexiglass. So I turned to SketchUp and designed a front a best as I could. Turned out to be quite intuitively and thanks to 3D hubs I had it printed in ABS and on my desk in 2 days.

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MQTT | Light Sensor

Had a JeeNode Lux Plug on a breadboard for a couple of weeks now. Jumper wires sticking out all over. So it was in due time to mount it in a more permanent manner.

The Lux Plug is a small board containing a TSL2561 chip, which connects to the I²C bus and measures incident light levels.

Two sensors are included, one is sensitive to infrared. An algorithm is used to calculate the light levels in lux, by combining the readings from both sensor types. The total measurable dynamic range is 1 : 1,000,000.

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